Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spring Break in South Dakota

We had a great trip to SD for spring break with the kids! We swam at a place called Evans Plunge, a natural hot springs pool, and the kids both loved it. There were several water slides for Noah, and Ryleigh had a blast in a little inflatable "boat". We also visited Wind Cave, and Noah's comment was "It's really dark!" We drove through and hiked a bit in Custer State Park, where a group of burrows set up a road block and stuck their heads into the van demanding a toll of Cool Ranch Doritos (see picture). Noah enjoyed bossing the buffalo by the side of the road, telling them to lay down and stop pooping! Mount Rushmore was a neat place to see, and Noah is still talking about "people in the mountain." Overall, it was a great time, but we were all glad to sleep in our own beds after a week away. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

We just got your voicemail, but it looks like you got the pictures working! Let me know if you still need any help. Welcome to the world of blogging!