Every year, I drag the family up to the North Pole--Ryan always tells the kids that they are helping to "amuse Mommy". But secretly, he loves every minute of it too (I think the comment after our first visit with Noah in 2006 was "That's the best day I've ever had of being a dad!")For those of you who have no idea what I am referring to, Colorado Springs has this kid's Christmas amusement park complete with rides, visits to Santa, and of course, hot chocolate. It been around for over 50 years--I remember going a few times as a kid! Ryleigh and Noah had a blast riding every attraction they could in five hours--they were so exhausted near the end of the day that Ryleigh laid back in the stroller and said she wanted to just rest for a few minutes before riding again! The visit to Santa was a bit of a bust though as we waited 30 minutes only to have both kids walk in his house, say, " I want sunglasses, please!", and walk away in less than ten seconds! Neither one would sit on his lap this year, but they were sure to state their wants (at least, they said please)! Jakie stayed home with Grandma because you have to be at least (or should I say only) ONE YEAR old to ride these rides.
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