Time sure flies--Jacob was two months old on Sunday, and he is already starting to lose some of that "blob" status of a newborn. He has actually been smiling for a couple of weeks now and seems to be showing some hints of personality. He is really interested in looking at everything around him, especially our faces. His brother and sister are absolutely enamored with him. I can hardly keep them from kissing him every minute of the day. When Noah wakes up, the first thing he wants to know is "where is Jakie??" I have to hide him in our bed or the pack and play if I want him to be able to keep sleeping!
1 comment:
What a BEAUTIFUL family you have! Oh, Heidi, I am just SO happy for you guys! Jacob is so cute and fits right in! God is so GREAT and it is wonderful to read and catch up on all your blessings!!
I enjoyed all the pictures! Goodness, to see Jason with his BABY GIRL! And now Todd is having his second...!! The brothers are dads! Well, they may be daddies now, but they will ALWAYS be "Slober" and "Snot" to us!!LOL!:) Ah, good times, good times...
I know you have your hands full, but keep the blog going, I love it!!
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