Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A Visit from "Uncle" Colby and "Aunt" Rachel

Ryan's buddy from Florida and his wife came for a long weekend to visit with us and the kids. Our kids were their charming selves and sure loved being with their "uncle" and "aunt"! We spent some time at the corn maze/pumpkin patch, the guys went fishing (and caught nothing!) and we took them up to Estes for a close glimpse of the Rockies. We also watched the Buckeyes and Penn State, but we aren't talking about that!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Jakie is TWO MONTHS old already!

Time sure flies--Jacob was two months old on Sunday, and he is already starting to lose some of that "blob" status of a newborn. He has actually been smiling for a couple of weeks now and seems to be showing some hints of personality. He is really interested in looking at everything around him, especially our faces. His brother and sister are absolutely enamored with him. I can hardly keep them from kissing him every minute of the day. When Noah wakes up, the first thing he wants to know is "where is Jakie??" I have to hide him in our bed or the pack and play if I want him to be able to keep sleeping!
More Visitors to Colorado
Our Eldest is FOUR!!!

Noah turned four a couple of weeks ago and we had a ton of fun celebrating his birthday! He took "dirt cups" to school to share with his classmates and that was a hit! On the night of birthday, he and Daddy went camping, just the two of them, over at Boyd Lake State Park (a quarter-mile from the house)! They made marshmallows for snack, pancakes for breakfast, and caught bugs in Noah's bug finder. Noah wanted to be sure to take the "Me and My Dad" book since it was going to be just him and his dad! What a special event! The next day, we had a baseball party (his choice, not ours or it would have been football!) and he sure enjoyed being at the center of attention! Jakie was so considerate of this and slept through the entire thing until the last few minutes! Ryleigh's favorite part was, of course, eating the ice cream!
Grandma and Grandpa from Ohio Come to Visit!!

Ryan's mom and dad came over Labor Day to meet their newest grandson (their fifth grandkid in less than four years!) and to spend time with Noah and Ryleigh. We started by introducing them to the Buckeye alumni bar and grill in Denver where we sometimes go to watch the games with hundreds of crazed fans of like-mind! We also spent some time in Estes Park and a short time out on the water in our new boat (before it was beached by a couple of wind gusts!) Another highlight was making homeade ice cream using Ryan's new hand crank ice cream maker--wow, is that good!
The First Day of School

Noah started real preschool this year--he's in the four year-old class three times a week and doing fantastic! He really likes learning to write all of his letters and practicing his numbers, but most of all, he likes to pack (and eat!) his snack each day. Yesterday, they went on their first field trip to the pumpkin patch and he got to ride the school bus like a big kid! Jakie and I joined him for the event!
Another Attempt at the Blog Idea

Sorry it has been almost a year since we last updated our blog!! So much for us keeping in touch better with everyone. Anyway, here is our new vow to do better, especially for those of you who are dying to see pictures of the kids. I'll start today by adding in lots of pictures and stories of the last two months. . . .starting with the birth of the third Smith kid! Jacob Ryan Smith has been a real blessing and a reminder of how much work infants actually take! I think Ryleigh spoiled us a bit with her easy-going infancy--you could park her in a safe place for a very long time and she wouldn't make a peep while her big brother wrecked havoc. Now, we have two older ones plotting together on how to make things tough for Mom and Dad--I think I preferred the man-to-man defense instead of this zone stuff!
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